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Anti-Fraud Information on YouTube

In view of the increase in the number of crime cases relating to Investment Fraud, Employment Fraud, Telephone Deception and Cyber Security, the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau and Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) of the Hong Kong Police Force have produced the following YouTube Videos (in Chinese only) to strengthen public awareness of different forms of scam. 


提防網上買賣騙案 免墮陷阱招損失 






數碼KEY 睇緊啲,撳LINK前 要三思 !


警銀合作 攜手打擊投資騙案


警銀合作 攜手打擊網上情戀騙案


警銀合作 攜手打擊釣魚訊息騙案


警銀合作 網戀騙案及時察覺


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