Subsite Background

Wellness Journey - Awareness of emotions

Awareness of emotions

Instruction 說明
  1. Please sit down, close your eyes, and take a deep breath to relax.
  2. When you feel calm, open your eyes slowly.
  3. Walk closely to the green wall.
  4. Randomly choose one type of plant on the wall and look at it.
  5. Do you associate it with any thoughts? What kind of emotions you could be aware of? 
  6. Feel free to record your thoughts and feelings. It represents your mood of the day.


The more you aware of your mood, the more you can manage the pacing of your daily life.

  1. 坐下並閉上眼睛,從腹部慢慢深呼吸,讓自己放鬆。
  2. 當你覺得心情平靜下來後,慢慢張開眼睛。
  3. 然後慢慢走近植物牆。   
  4. 眼前的植物牆羅列著不同品種,憑直覺選擇合眼緣或看起來特別有感覺的植物。    
  5. 看著這種植物,你有什麼感覺? 心情覺得如何? 這令你聯想到什麼?
  6. 把心裡想到的全部寫下來。寫在這裡的話語,代表你今天的心情。    



Audio Guide 語音導賞

Cantonese 粵語

English 英語

Putonghua 普通話

Activity 活動