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Wellness Journey - Grounding with five senses

Grounding with five senses

Instruction 說明
  1. Stand at the position which faces the Wing On Plaza.

2. Look around slowly.

3. Acknowledge FOUR items you can see.

4. Acknowledge THREE things you can touch around you.

5. Acknowledge TWO things you hear.

6. Acknowledge ONE thing you can smell.


This exercise involves grounding techniques, which are coping strategies to help reconnect you with the present and bring you out of emotional distress by using at least one of the five senses. Grounding techniques are useful for settling ourselves when we’re feeling overwhelmed. If you find yourself stuck with strong emotion, these simple and powerful techniques take just a few minutes and can be practiced at any time. They can help you to feel anchored in the present and restore balance in your body and mind.

  1. 面向永安廣場站立。
  2. 慢慢觀看四周。
  3. 認出四種能看見的東西。
  4. 認出三種能摸到的物品。
  5. 認出兩種能聽到的聲音。
  6. 認出一種能聞到的氣味。


這是一個運用了「著陸」技巧(Grounding technique) 的練習。「著陸」技巧會使用五感中的最少一種感官與現實連接,為一種有效把我們與此時此刻重新連繫、擺脫情緒突襲的應對策略。當我們感到快將窒息、崩潰或情緒激動時,「著陸」技巧可幫助我們平伏心情,是一種簡單而又效用力強的技巧,需時不多,可隨時隨地使用,讓人安定心神,並回復身心平衡的狀態。

Audio Instruction 語音說明

Cantonese 粵語

English 英語

Putonghua 普通話

Activity 活動