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Tianjiu Therapy 2024 (Summer Round)


Tianjiu therapy - 2024 Summer Round


Lingnan University Chinese Medicine Clinic is offering Tianjiu Therapy (San-Fu days) in this Summer (July 15, 2024 to August 16, 2024)

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Tianjiu therapy, also known as Acupoint Herbal Patching, is a kind of treatment that applies Chinese Medicinal herbal paste on designated acupoint and cause mild skin irritation, for the purpose of modulating the body immunity and improve certain chronic cold-deficiency type conditions. In TCM, Tianjiu therapy is often arranged in the summer (Sanfu days, mid-July to mid-August) and after Winter Solstice (Sanjiu days, late December to mid-January), which is a better seasonal timing to promote yang-qi, strengthen the body and achieve a prolonged health keeping effect.

Recent clinical studies suggested that Tianjiu therapy could improve several chronic conditions include nasal allergies, asthma, bowel discomforts, low back pain and menstrual conditions. It is also suggested that Tianjiu therapy may have potential relieving effect on post-COVID symptoms such as general weakness and fatigue. 

Tianjiu indications

  • Our TCM Practitioners will conduct health assessments and select the acupoints (normally on the upper back and lower back). Usually, 6-8 herbal pastes will be applied for 2-4 hours. Three doses at about 7-10 days interval are suggested.
    Prior booking is required for our necessary prepartion of the herbal paste.

  • First Dose: July 15-17, 2024

    Second Dose: July 24-26, 2024 

    Third Dose: August 13-16, 2024

    (excl. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays ).

  • Regular charges (include consultation fee): $200/dose ($600/3 doses)
    Special packages for Linganians: $170/dose ($510/3 doses)
    (Applicable for Health Scheme for Postgraduate Students. Please consult clinic staff)

  1. Important Notes

1. The herbal paste used Tianjiu therapy contains hot-type herbal ingredients which may cause mild irritations, itchy, skin redness, swelling, blisters or scars. Not suitable for those who have past history of allergy to topical herbs. Please refer to our information sheet for details.

2. Tianjiu therapy is not suitable for acute conditions, fever and active COVID-19 patients . Please consult our TCM practitioner prior to the treatment. No refund is appliable after the treatment begins.


Please contact us at 2616 7828 or the online booking form for details.


Information sheet - Notes on Tianjiu Therapy

Online Booking Form for Tianjiu service (now opened)

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