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Research Highlights

Ling U

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Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Constructing a "Carbon Neutrality Index" for the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Hong Kong (KT22A6)

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U
Project Brief
In this project, we will develop a Carbon Neutrality Index for the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong. We aim to develop a measurement to help the SMEs in HK identify their performance related to carbon emissions and areas to improve to achieve carbon neutrality.
Project Leader
Prof. LIANG Liping
Director of HKIBS
Professor of Department of Operations and Risk Management
Project Members
Prof. LAM Tak Ming Eric
Associate Director of HKIBS
Associate Professor of Teaching of
Department of Management

Prof. QI Suntong
Assistant Professor of Teaching of Department of Marketing and International Business

Prof. LI Ang Leo
Research Assistant Professor of HKIBS

Mr. XIA Tian Hayden
Research Officer of HKIBS

Ms CAO Yu, Ives
Project Officer of HKIBS


Media Coverage
DotDotNews. (2024, May 30). 嶺大調查:逾九成受訪者願意光顧低碳餐廳 惟改變飲食習慣意願低.

DimSum Daily. (2024, May 30). Lingnan University survey reveals high support but low willingness to adapt eating habits for low-carbon restaurants.

HKCNA. (2024, May 30). 港嶺大調查:逾九成受訪者願意光顧低碳餐廳.

Oriental Daily. (2024, May 30). 逾9成受訪者會光顧低碳餐廳 大多不諳碳足迹仍願學習.

Yahoo News. (2024, May 30). 逾9成受訪者會光顧低碳餐廳 大多不諳碳足迹仍願學習.

Relevant Links
Lingnan survey: Over 90% of respondents express their willingness to support low-carbon restaurants, but few wish to change their eating habits

Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund
(sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund)