Subsite Background

PureAura: Affordable air purifier for subdivided units

Distribution to the residents of Sham Shui Po

In January 2018, students from the Service Learning course PSY3103 Psychology of Human Performance and Technology had the opportunity to learn about the challenges faced by residents of sub-divided units in Sham Shui Po. The students identified poor air quality as a critical issue faced by the residents, affecting their quality of life. By applying design thinking, academic knowledge, and basic technology, the students came up with the idea of a low-cost air purifier, taking into consideration financial and space constraints faced by the target users. Prototypes were then developed and tested for effectiveness.


By 2022, with the support of Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative (LEI), the working product was mass produced and 1,000 units were distributed to occupants of sub-divided units in Sham Shui Po. It was a proud moment for everyone involved as the project proved that ideas from a service learning workshop by liberal arts students could effect change to some of the poorest living conditions in Hong Kong. The project continued with data collection of air quality to examine the effectiveness of the air purifier. A third phase also commenced in 2023, with an improved product design and plans to distribute more units to other districts in Hong Kong.


The humanitarian technology invention has received acknowledgement for its design and contribution to the society,  including receiving the Silver Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. 

Media coverage

2024-05Raising air quality in cramped
2024-05空氣過濾 淨化蝸居ISD, HK SAR Government
2024-05Lingnan creates special air purifiersThe Standard
2024-05Lingnan’s mini air purifier PureAura wins iF Design Gold Award Top design Industry prizeLingnan
2024-05PureAura: Improve the health of families in povertyiF Design Award
2023-06LEI’s air purifier for subdivided units receives Silver Medal at the Geneva International Exhibition of InventionsLingnan
2023-05LU Entrepreneurship Initiative’s SDU Air Purifier wins Silver Medal at 48th Geneva International ExhibitionLingnan
2023-01凝聚香港:第一百四十二集 袖珍空氣淨化機 成本唔使$100?RTHK
2022-12嶺大設計袖珍空氣淨化機成本不足百元 深水埗百人組裝贈千劏房戶HK01
2022-12劏房空氣差    袖珍淨化機幫到忙
2022-12嶺大研發袖珍空氣淨化機 免費派發予深水埗劏房家庭Line Today
2022-12嶺大製迷你淨化機 贈劏房戶濾空氣Oriental Daily

嶺大製迷你淨化機 贈劏房戶濾空氣

Yahoo HK
2022-12嶺大研發袖珍空氣淨化機 贈予深水埗劏房戶UniqueMedia
2022-12港嶺大研袖珍空氣淨化機 送千部予基層HKCNA
2022-12嶺大研袖珍空氣淨化機 送1000部予深水埗劏房戶Dotdot News
2022-12                  Lingnan University in Hong Kong Develops and Distributes Free Air Purifiers to over 1,000 Families of Subdivided Flats in Sham Shui PoAsia Research News
2022-12Lingnan University Develops and Distributes Free Air Purifiers to over 1,000 Families of Subdivided Flats in Sham Shui PoLingnan
2022-12嶺大研迷你空氣淨化機 贈1000部予劏房戶助改善空氣質素
2022-12嶺大研發袖珍空氣淨化機 免費派發予深水埗劏房家庭Commercial Radio
2018-04嶺大生為劏房戶製土炮空氣清新機 電腦風扇搭過濾板 成本少於200元Ming Pao Daily
2018-04嶺大生「三慳」機 淨化劏房空氣Wen Wei Po