GDS Curriculum

GDS Students must choose one of four Concentrations and complete 15 credits of coursework in the chosen Concentration. A minimum of two courses must be at the 3000- or 4000-level. Courses must be taken from a minimum of two different letter codes (ie. ECO, HST, MKT, etc.).

Students are also required to select 15 credits of courses from Lingnan and/or study-abroad institutions that complement their major programme interests. Course choices must be proposed to and approved by the student’s academic adviser. A minimum of one course must be at the 3000-level or 4000-level. Courses may include, but are not limited to:

a. Introductory or prerequisite courses for chosen focus areas
b. Relevant cluster courses
c. Technical, methodological and/or advanced courses to further a specific expertise
d. Language, culture and politics courses in a particular world area
e. Courses not already taken within the chosen Concentration
f. Courses from the other (not-chosen) Concentration areas
g. Relevant credit-bearing internships or service-learning projects

Please refer to Programme Structure for the indicative course list of each study area.

GDS students can make use of the free elective credits to take a Minor Programme.