
Lingnan University Local Student Scholarships are offered to students with outstanding academic results. Non-local Student Scholarships are also available to support high calibre non-local students to pursue full-time undergraduate studies at Lingnan University.


The Principal Nomination Scheme is offered to high schools in our connections in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries or regions for nominating high-calibre students for the admissions with Non-local Student Scholarships.

GDS students participating in student exchange and/or study abroad programmes will receive free air tickets between Hong Kong and exchange destination and have the tuition fees of the visiting programmes sponsored by the University. A number of scholarships and financial aid schemes will also be available to eligible students.

More than 400 recognition scholarship awards donated by memorial funds, organisations, professional bodies and individuals are available. They are awarded to students in recognition of their outstanding academic performance and contributions to the University and the community.