GAI use case for teaching 1

Grading and Providing Customized Feedback with Assessment Rubric

Background Story

Dr. Smith, who teaches a large undergraduate course in literature. Dr. Smith has hundreds of students submitting essays each semester. Grading these essays manually is time-consuming and often lacks consistency. Dr. Smith wants to explore an AI-based solution to streamline the grading process while providing personalized feedback to students.

Included Tools

ChatGPT/ Copilot


1.        Input the rubric into WORD or PDF file

2.        Upload rubric file

3.        Ask GPT to analysis, grade and provide feedback on essay according to attached rubric file

Essay Sample

The Pressing Need for Climate Action

As we enter a new era, addressing climate change has become a critical imperative. The overwhelming scientific consensus clearly indicates that human-induced global warming is a real and pressing threat that demands decisive action. Failure to take meaningful steps will have severe consequences for our planet and future generations.

Firstly, the issue of climate change lacks fair representation. While the scientific consensus is clear, there are still some who deny the reality of this threat. This has led to a polarized debate where the urgency of the situation is often overlooked. It is important to acknowledge the diversity of perspectives and engage in constructive dialogue to find common ground.

Secondly, the evidence for the impacts of climate change is poor. While there are claims of more frequent natural disasters, sea level rise, and ecosystem disruption, the data to support these assertions is limited. More robust and objective analysis is needed to fully understand the scope and scale of the problem.

The heart of the climate crisis is the rapid increase in greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. This has led to environmental problems that may or may not be directly linked to climate change. The causal relationship between human activities and these observed changes requires further investigation.

To address this challenge, we must transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy. This will require investments in clean infrastructure and policies to encourage adoption. Improving energy efficiency through measures like building retrofits and transportation electrification can also reduce emissions.

Secondly, we must prioritize protecting and restoring natural ecosystems that serve as carbon sinks. Deforestation and unsustainable land use have released vast amounts of stored carbon. Preserving and expanding forests, wetlands, and habitats can enhance the planet's ability to sequester carbon.

Finally, adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change will be essential. This may include strengthening infrastructure, improving early warning systems, and developing resilient agricultural practices. Investing in comprehensive adaptation strategies can help communities cope with a changing climate.

In conclusion, the need for climate action is pressing, but the evidence and fair representation of the issue remain contentious. A multifaceted approach involving renewable energy, ecosystem protection, and climate adaptation is necessary to mitigate and adapt to the effects of global warming. By taking decisive steps, we can safeguard the future of our planet.

Rubric Sample


Excellent (5)

Good (4)

Fair (3)

Poor (2)

Unsatisfactory (1)


The essay demonstrates a clear and comprehensive understanding of the topic, presenting well-researched and insightful arguments and ideas.

The essay exhibits strong quality in all criteria. The content is thoroughly researched and effectively supports the thesis statement.

The essay demonstrates satisfactory quality in all criteria. The content adequately supports the thesis statement but may lack depth or originality.

The essay demonstrates inadequate quality in one or more criteria. The content may be unclear or insufficiently supported.

The essay demonstrates very poor quality in one or more criteria. The content is unclear or unsupported.


The essay is well-structured and easy to follow, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that effectively support the thesis statement.

The essay is clear and logical, with smooth transitions between ideas.

The essay is adequate but may be somewhat disjointed or difficult to follow.

The essay may be confusing or illogical.

The essay is confusing or illogical.


The essay provides relevant and convincing evidence to support the arguments made, using credible sources and properly citing them.

The essay provides relevant and convincing evidence to support the arguments made, using credible sources and proper citations.

The essay provides relevant evidence but may be insufficient or not fully convincing.

The essay may provide irrelevant evidence or fail to cite sources properly.

The essay provides irrelevant evidence or fails to cite sources properly.


The essay is written in a clear, concise, and engaging style that effectively communicates the author's ideas to the reader.

The essay is clear and concise, effectively communicating the author's ideas.

The essay is adequate but may lack engagement or originality.

The essay may be unclear or confusing.

The essay is unclear or confusing.


The essay is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, adhering to the conventions of academic writing.

The essay contains only minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

The essay contains several errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

The essay contains numerous errors that impair readability.

The essay contains numerous errors that significantly impair readability.

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Analyse, grade and provide detail feedback on ESSAY according to attached Rubric file


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Based on the provided rubric, I would grade this essay as a 3 (Fair).


Content (3 - Fair):

  • The essay demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the topic of climate change, but it lacks depth and originality. The content could be strengthened by providing more thorough and insightful arguments and ideas.
  • While the essay acknowledges the scientific consensus on climate change, it also presents some skepticism about the evidence and impacts, which weakens the overall argument.

Organization (3 - Fair):

  • The essay is generally well-structured, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. However, the flow between ideas could be smoother, and the essay may be somewhat disjointed in parts.

Evidence (3 - Fair):

  • The essay provides relevant evidence to support the arguments, but the evidence could be more convincing and comprehensive. Some claims could benefit from more credible sources and proper citations.

Style (3 - Fair):

  • The essay is written in a clear and adequate style, but it lacks the level of engagement and originality that would be expected for a stronger essay.

Grammar (4 - Good):

  • The essay contains only minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, adhering well to the conventions of academic writing.

To improve the essay, consider the following suggestions:

  • Strengthen the argument by providing more thorough, well-researched, and compelling evidence to support the urgency of climate action.
  • Address the skepticism about the evidence and impacts of climate change more directly and provide a more balanced and nuanced discussion.
  • Improve the flow and cohesion of the essay, ensuring a smoother transition between ideas and a more coherent overall structure.
  • Strive for a more engaging and original style that effectively communicates the author's ideas to the reader.
  • Ensure all evidence is properly cited and that the essay adheres to academic writing conventions.