Visual Identity


The visual identity of Lingnan University is an important asset of the university. It is more than a logo. This asset must always be used in its approved form and protected from misuse by assuring consistent, high-quality reproduction of the signature wherever it appears.  The University signature consists of two elements: the Lingnan emblem on the left and University name and location in Chinese and English on the right. The two elements should always be used together.




Meaning of the Lingnan Emblem

The mountain, river, trees and path illustrated in the University logo each symbolise a profound principle:


  • The White Cloud Mountain depicts the highest aspiration in life;
  • The Pearl River represents the wide dissemination of Lingnan education;
  • The lychee trees - with ripe fruit hanging in clusters - represent the commitment to realise the precept “For God, for Country and for Lingnan”;
  • The path represents the road to the future by virtue of hard work.
  • The panoramic view of the campus in the emblem ‘reminds alumni and friends of Lingnan of their loyalty wherever they may be. The red and grey colours of the emblem help nourish the sentiment; they are “blood-red and iron-grey”, symbolizing loyalty and steadfastness. The red and grey reflect the Lingnan spirit, a spirit inspiring them to lay the foundations for a splendid future forever1.


Lee, Sui-ming.  A Phoenix of South China : The Story of Lingnan (University) College Sun Yat-sen University.  Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2005.


Please see the Lingnan University Graphic Identity Guidelines for reference (for staff only).




Education for Service 





Our new tagline, "Education for Service," is derived directly from our university motto and captures the essence of our mission. This change represents a return to our roots, emphasizing the enduring value of service and community engagement that is integral to the Lingnan education experience. It is a clear declaration of our commitment to producing graduates who are not only knowledgeable but also socially responsible.





Download anthem audio file (mpg format)



Branding for Faculties, Schools and Departments


Logo of Faculties and Schools



Logo of Departments