Lingnan Undergraduate Admissions

Undergrauate Programmes

Why Lingnan?

Lingnan is a liberal arts research university. It is a dynamic and supportive community of academic excellence that takes pride in offering world-class undergraduate experience. Our liberal arts education is broad-based and interdisciplinary, which empowers students to pursue their passions, and to succeed in their choice of fields in the digital age. Our motto "Education for Service" exemplifies our commitment to nurturing future leaders who strive to make a difference to the world.

Why Lingnan?

An undergraduate foundation that inspires

Our undergraduate core curriculum spans the essence of humanities, business, social sciences, natural science, and digital technology. This enables our students to acquire an intellectual ground that fosters curiosity and critical thinking, inspiring them to continuously expand knowledge while gaining a diverse perspective on the world.

An undergraduate foundation that inspires

A place of learning beyond classroom

At Lingnan, we believe that learning should extend beyond classroom. We have developed service-learning programmes via our established and growing community networks that cultivate the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. With our extensive global networks, over 80% of our undergraduate students are provided with financial support to study abroad, gaining insights into diverse cultures. We offer over 350 internship programmes and more than 70 entrepreneurship training opportunities to support students’ professional aspirations.

A place of learning beyond classroom

A journey of exploration

Lingnan students enjoy an incredible array of resources that support their extra-curricular pursuits. Our Integrated Learning Programme alone provides over 400 activities each year for students to choose from; coupled with a variety of cultural and residential programmes hosted by other units and student organisations, students enjoy numerous opportunities to explore new interests and skills throughout the year.

A journey of exploration

A campus you call home

Lingnan is known for its tight-knit residential community, offering a distinctive and immersive experience for students. Nearly all undergraduate students enjoy a fully residential experience during their studies, allowing them to form lasting bonds with peers while fostering social and emotional growth. Our small class size promotes close relationships between teachers and students, creating an interactive and supportive learning environment.

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A campus you call home

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