Teaching and Learning Initiatives

Teaching and Learning Initiatives

Supporting Learning and Teaching @Lingnan (SLT@LU)

In September 2022, the Teaching and Leaning Centre (TLC) launched its new core professional development programme SLT@LU. This programme is designed for Lingnan University staff and is mandatory for postgraduate (PG) students who teach or support learning. It aims to provide a firm foundation in educational principles and practice in the context and tradition of liberal arts education. There is a strong focus in the programme on equipping participants to design quality learning sessions. For more details, please click here.


Peer Observation Scheme

This scheme has been incorporated into the SLT@LU as one of the key components of the programme which involves participants observing once and being observed once. After leading a session or teaching, participants self-evaluate, receive peer evaluation, collect student evaluations and then read related educational texts on topics that arise. Facilitators support this process by providing self-evaluation forms, a peer observation form, ideas for means to collect informal feedback from learners, and recommended reading lists. For more details, please click here.


Early Alert System

In 2012, the TLC introduced an Early Alert System, which is a fully automated system enabling faculty to alert the university about students who appear to be having problems with their studies. The system became mandatory in Term 2, 2014-15. In the seventh week of study, the TLC reminds relevant departmental secretaries to advise faculty to either utilise the system or report that they have no students with problems. For more details, please click here.


Avoiding Plagiarism

To enhance students’ understanding of plagiarism, all new undergraduate (UG) students starting from the 2016-17 intake and research postgraduate (RPg) and taught postgraduate (TPg) students from the 2017-18 intake are required to complete this online tutorial by the end of their first year (for UG students)/the first term of their studies (for RPg & TPg students) in Lingnan. Students will be blocked from course registration if they have not studied the materials by the specified period. For more details, please click here.