LU Smart Card Support System

To support the launch of LU cards for the Lingnan community, ITSC has developed a new smart card support system to streamline the data consolidation and workflow for smart card generation. This is the first system developed using Django wizard framework for fast development. With the support of the smart card vendor, the new system allows the issuance of both physical and virtual cards. It also facilitates users to submit their information such as photos and personal particulars online and enables relevant colleagues to approve the applications.  The system further aligns with the application for accessing campus facilities such as Library, sports facilities and hostels to enable users to have one-stop experience in the accessing and using the campus.

Since its launch in June 2022, the system was kept developed with new features to accommodate different application requirements of various user groups.  Apart from all current staff and students, the system has supported the issuance of physical cards to all Court and Council members, and Facility Management contract staff; and the issuance of virtual cards to alumni, family dependents of staff residing in hostels (Wardens and Senior Tutors) and full-time staff, long-serving retired staff, other affiliated visiting scholars, and external users.  This is the first time LU issues virtual cards that allows authentication and authorisation to access and use campus facilities. It is also the first time to launch LU card for all eligible alumni.

Smart Card Support System