Lee & Man Paper Lingnan Walkathon 2023

23 Apr 2023

West Kowloon Cultural District

LU hosts ‘Lee & Man Paper Lingnan Walkathon 2023’ to raise funds for startups
LU hosts ‘Lee & Man Paper Lingnan Walkathon 2023’ to raise funds for startups

The “Lee and Man Paper Lingnan Walkathon 2023” (the Walkathon) hosted by Lingnan University (LU) today (23 April 2023) is to raise funds for the “LU Entrepreneurship Fund” where  students and young alumni turn their ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) focused start-up projects in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area into reality. The Walkathon has wholehearted backing from faculty members and staff, students, alumni and friends.


The Honourable Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government and guest of honour, was joined by the Council Chairman of LU Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai and LU President Prof Leonard K Cheng in the kick-off ceremony for the Walkathon. Participants set off from the lawn of the West Kowloon Cultural District Art Park, and walked along the West Kowloon Cultural District waterfront promenade, a distance of about three kilometers. LU also held a funfair on the lawn with music performances, workshops, games, and teaching and learning booths, attracting an enthusiastic audience.