Lingnan's Digital Revolution for Sustainable Development: Integrating Science, AI, and Regional/Global Solutions

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Lingnan's Digital Revolution for Sustainable Development: 
Integrating Science, AI, and Regional/Global Solutions

Lingnan@GSDC 2024

Lingnan University was proud and privileged to play a leading role at the Global Sustainable Development Congress held in Bangkok from 10-13 June. 


Organised by Times Higher Education (THE) and co-hosted by Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, the high-profile event attracted close to 3,000 attendees. The broad aim was to bring together senior academics and sector experts from around the world to discuss action and initiatives needed to advance sustainability and address key climate change issues. 


As such, it was an opportunity for representatives from universities, government bodies, industry and NGOs to review the major challenges and set out instances of how and where creative thinking and breakthrough research is having a long-term positive impact. 


The sessions hosted by Lingnan University were specifically chosen to tie in with the theme of “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”, the ninth of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, or SDG9, as well as SDG17 which emphasises the importance of building strong partnerships to help achieve internationally agreed targets and objectives. 


This choice also reflected Lingnan’s recent moves to establish a School of Data Science and the campus-wide efforts to promote beneficial uses of generative AI and ChatGPT, in recognition of the ongoing digital revolution transforming so many aspects of today’s world.