Subsite Background

Hostel Residency Policy (For Students admitted in AY 2024-25 and after)

Hostel Residency Policy 

(Applicable to Students admitted in or after AY 2024-25)


The Hostel Residency Policy for AY 2024-25 onwards are recommended at the Student Hostels Management Committee (SHMC) and approved by the Presidential Group (P-Group) in May 2024.


UGC-funded Undergraduate Students 

  1. All UG students will be offered two residence years during the normal four-year study period.
  2. All UG senior year students will be offered one residence year during the normal study period.
  3. To help new UG students adjust to university life, the first-year students are encouraged to reside in student hostels.
  4. Students with special educational needs will be accommodated as far as practicable assessed by a need-based review mechanism.
  5. Students who apply for residency beyond the durations specified in items 1 and 2 will be assessed by a merit-based points system*, as well as by the Need-based Application Reviewing Panel.
  6. Students’ residential experience during academic exchange will be regarded as part of fulfilment of the Hostel Residency Requirement.

**The current points system will be kept in the forthcoming round of hostel applications made by UG returning students. The new merit-based point system is scheduled for implementation starting from the AY 2024-25 onwards.


Postgraduate Students

1.    All PG residents will be assigned to a designated hostel as far as practicable.  The hostel’s capacity for housing PG students will be reviewed regularly based on the development of postgraduate intake*. 

2.    PhD students are accorded the highest priority for PG category accommodation and will be granted residency throughout their standard period of study.

3.    Students studying in Doctor of Policy Studies (DPS) are eligible for at least one year of residence during their normal course of study.

4.    MPhil and TPg students are not eligible to apply for hostel accommodation.

5.    Residency applications beyond the granted offering period will be evaluated by a system for returning PG students.

*Any unused capacity under this category will be allocated to UG students.


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