Postgraduate Mentorship Programme paves career paths for young Lingnan graduates

Lingnan University held the kick-off ceremony for the 2nd Postgraduate Mentorship Programme on 20 January, with some 200 mentors and postgraduate students participating together. The programme is the first of its kind in Hong Kong and has seen a substantial 25-per-cent increase in mentors and mentees from last year, assisting graduating students in navigating employment challenges and unleashing their full potential in the workplace. It also provides staunch support for non-local students from the Mainland and overseas to adapt to Hong Kong's work culture.


Most mentors are Lingnan alumni and associates, and include Council members and Career Development Committee (CDC) advisers who hold senior positions in accounting, banking, advertising, education, and insurance. Each mentor will guide up to three students, sharing valuable experience, offering workplace insights, and providing practical information on their industry.

Postgraduate Mentorship Programme paves career paths for young Lingnan graduates

Prof Joshua Mok Ka-ho, Vice-President and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, thanks all the mentors who have generously volunteered their time and energy.

Apart from equipping students with job-seeking strategies, mentors also play a crucial role in helping them secure internships and job opportunities after graduation. The programme, which runs from January to August 2024, is anticipated to enhance interpersonal relationships within the Lingnan community.

Postgraduate Mentorship Programme paves career paths for young Lingnan graduates

Prof Li Dong-hui, Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) and CDC Member, believes the connections and friendships formed among mentors and mentees will benefit them throughout their lives.