Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning at Lingnan University, says that the initiative would have a significant impact on higher education teaching worldwide.

Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning at Lingnan University, says that the initiative would have a significant impact on higher education teaching worldwide.

Lingnan University hosts the first Inno-GBA Week.

Lingnan University hosts the first Inno-GBA Week.

Lingnan University’s Teaching and Learning Centre held its annual “Inno-GBA: empowering education with Generative Artificial Intelligence tools” from 16 to 19 April. The four-day event examined the latest Generative AI (GAI) tools for teaching and learning in higher education, and sophisticated state-of-the-art GAI tools to facilitate academic research and student learning, and assist jobseekers. On the first day of the event, which was conducted in hybrid mode, over 200 people came to hear leading professors from the main universities in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and industry experts from high-tech companies speak.


One highlight of the event was the possibility for students to learn how to use GAI tools to increase their employability. In one session, two speakers from high-tech firms discussed GAI tools that can help to develop job-hunting strategies and optimise resumés. They also explained how to write more effective cover letters when applying for suitable job openings.

The Inno-GBA seminar and workshops welcomed the public and also covered the advancements and applications of GAI tools in Mainland China, leveraging big data for GAI in education and technological trends and applications, and using ChatGPT in curriculum design education. 


Lingnan University is eager to collaborate with GBA universities and industries to improve the quality of teaching by using GAI tools in order to provide an exceptional educational experience that prepares students for success in the digital age.

Prof Shalendra Sharma, Associate Vice-President (Academic Quality Assurance and Internationalisation) and Lee Shau Kee Foundation Chair Professor of Political Science, points out that GAI technology has the potential to significantly enhance students’ learning engagement and efficiency by dynamically adapting to their learning progress and challenges.

Prof Shalendra Sharma, Associate Vice-President (Academic Quality Assurance and Internationalisation) and Lee Shau Kee Foundation Chair Professor of Political Science, points out that GAI technology has the potential to significantly enhance students’ learning engagement and efficiency by dynamically adapting to their learning progress and challenges.