Faculty of Business holds 2024 Greater Bay Area Alumni Gathering to strengthen alumni community bonds

11 Jun 2024

The Faculty of Business of Lingnan University took pleasure in hosting the 2024 Greater Bay Area Alumni Gathering in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, on 26 May 2024. Distinguished attendees included Prof Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost; Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation); Prof Sam Kwong Tak-wu, Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research); and Prof Leng Mingming, Dean of the Faculty of Business, as well as the Chairman and members of the Advisory Board on Business Studies. This landmark event included 350 alumni, teachers and guests, creating many new relationships and contacts. The celebration commenced with a harmonious chorus sung by teachers and students, providing an opportunity for graduates to reunite and reminisce, to talk about their progress and the future, and to reflect on the challenges they have faced.


The evening began with Prof Xin Yao saying in his welcoming speech “Alumni are the precious assets of our university, and the University is always a steadfast support for our alumni.”


In his speech, Prof Leng Mingming welcomed the guests warmly, and thanked the fellows and alumni for coming. He highlighted the Faculty's most significant achievements over the past five years, and outlined their vision for future development, reassuring alumni that Lingnan University will always remain their home.


Dr Zhuang Mengzhou, Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing at The University of Hong Kong, spoke on behalf of the alumni, thanking their alma mater and expressing confidence in the continued growth of the Faculty.


The evening featured a variety of sparkling performances, including singing, dancing, playing the guzheng, and live rock painting, eliciting applause and cheers from the audience. There was also a lucky draw, providing opportunities to win glittering prizes.


Finally, at the close of the performances, Ms Xi Meinong, representing the 2024 MSc in Arts Technology and Business (MScATB) programme, presented her rock painting, "Dream Back to Lingnan," to the Faculty of Business, thanking them for embodying the spirit of "Once a Lingnanian, Always a Lingnanian."


This successful alumni gathering has forged deeper bonds and affection between graduates and their alma mater, and the Faculty of Business is confident that with the support and assistance of the alumni, both the University and Faculty will continue to flourish. They eagerly anticipate the graduates enhancing the prestige of the university.