Subsite Background

Anti-Fraud Information

Important Reminders on Internet Scam and Telephone Deception

If you have any doubts or require further help, please call the Anti-Scam Helpline at 18222 operated by the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre of the Hong Kong Police Force. 


We would like to bring to your attention the recent surge in internet scams and telephone deception cases in Hong Kong.  These types of crimes have become more prevalent in recent years, and many have fallen victim to scams, such as telephone deception, online romance scams, and investment fraud.


Scammers often impersonate employees of reputable organisations, such as express companies or government departments like the Hong Kong Immigration Department or the Department of Health.  We strongly advise you to remain vigilant and avoid disclosing any personal information or transferring money to these individuals.  

(Posters from the website of ADCC) 


If you have any doubts, we highly recommend that you reach out to the Anti-Scam Helpline at 18222.  The helpline is operated by the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) of the Hong Kong Police Force, which serves as a valuable resource for the public.


ADCC serves as a centre to provide instant telephone consultation services, educate the public on how to prevent deception, and closely monitor and analyse trends in deception cases.


Useful Links:


Please note that the Anti-Scam Helpline 18222 only provides consultation services. If you suspect that you have fallen prey to a scam, we strongly advise you to report the case to the nearest police station. In case of emergencies, please dial 999.


Tuen Mun Police Station

Address: 100 Pui To Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories (Near the Tuen Mun MTR Station)

Tel: 3661 1670


Tips to avoid Telephone Deception, Internet and Rental Scams:

Tips to Prevent Telephone and Rental Scams PDF



CyberDefender (a one-stop online information platform that helps the public identify scams and cyber pitfalls)


Video Resources on YouTube Video

It is crucial to be aware of the various defrauding tricks used by scammers and to follow preventive tips to avoid becoming a victim of their schemes.  In addition to taking precautions yourself, please remind your relatives and friends to stay alert against scams.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding scams, please do not hesitate to call the Anti-Scam Hotline at 18222.


News about internet scams and telephone deception in Hong Kong:

  • SCMP - Hong Kong students made up fifth of online blackmail cases involving naked photos in first half of year, with youngest victim being 11 years old
  • SCMP - Hong Kong herbalist cheated out of HK$5 million in ‘scam within scam’
  • The Standard - Police find recent increase in scams of fake officials targeting mainland students
  • The Standard - Torture-scam student arrested
  • 香港01 - 假冒官員首季失$7億 遭洗腦港漂指查案警「是假的」損失$60萬
  • 無線新聞 - 今年首季假冒官員電騙案涉款按年增近四倍 針對內地生案件增加
  • 香港01 - 一哥:有大學2個月11內地生被騙840萬 警與小紅書網紅教港漂防騙
  • 大公文匯 - 港漂學生墮電騙案急升34%
  • 星島 - 理大內地女研究生遇電騙欲轉賬30萬元 深港警方合作成功阻止
  • 有線寬頻 - 針對學生裸聊勒索及援交騙案去年逾900宗 最年輕受害者僅九歲
  • Topick - 【網購騙案】上周警接逾104宗網購門票騙案 按周升兩倍多
  • 港生活 - 雙11網購騙案新招!騙徒扮淘寶客服咁做....以為取消交易點知被騙走存款


Posters from the website of ADCC

Anti-scam Poster English

Anti-scam Poster Chinese 2