Subsite Background

Student Hostel



Hostel Arrangements and Important Information for UGC-funded Applicants

  • To help new UGC funded UG students adjust to university life, all first-year students are encouraged to reside in student hostels. Hostel places are offered to students subject to availability. If the hostels are full, late admittees will be put on the waiting list. Students who have decided to stay in student hostels in the 1st term of AY 2024-25 should pay special attention to the following special requirement:
  • Hostel application and preferences should be submitted via myLingnan Portal. Students should complete the user account activation and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in advance. Students who opt to reside in hostel will receive the hostel efees note and link to submit hostel preferences in one working day after the online submission in the Online Reporting System. Hostel places are offered to students subject to availability. If the hostels are full, late admittees will be put on the waiting list.
  • Full-time UGC funded Non-local degree seeking undergraduate students do not need to submit hostel application in their first year of study. The Office of Student Affairs will contact you for hostel room assignment. The hostel allocation will be done by computer randomly.
  • Full-time UGC funded new local students who submit the hostel online application by 23:59 on 10 Aug 2024 via the Online Reporting System could indicate preferences on hostel and room types. Room assignment will be done by system randomly for application received from 11 Aug 2024 onwards.


  • For self-funded undergraduate students, limited on-campus student hostel places are available. The University has approved to set aside certain number of hostel places for full-time self-funded UG students. Students should contact their programme offices for hostel application and allocation details. Students who have to look for accommodation options off-campus can visit our website for some tips and information:



Hostel Residency Policy (Applicable to Students admitted in or after AY 2024-25)

The Hostel Residency Policy for AY 2024-25 onwards is recommended at the Student Hostels Management Committee (SHMC) and approved by the Presidential Group (P-Group) in May 2024.


UGC-funded Undergraduate Students 

  1. All UG students will be offered two residence years during the normal four-year study period
  2. All UG senior year students will be offered one residence year during the normal study period. 
  3. To help new UG students adjust to university life, the first-year students are encouraged to reside in student hostels. 
  4. Students with special educational needs will be accommodated as far as practicable assessed by a need-based review mechanism. 
  5. Students who apply for residency beyond the durations specified in items 1 and 2 will be assessed by a merit-based points system*, as well as by the Need-based Application Reviewing Panel.
  6. Students’ residential experience during academic exchange will be regarded as part of fulfilment of the Hostel Residency Requirement.


**The current points system will be kept in the forthcoming round of hostel applications made by UG returning students. The new merit-based point system is scheduled for implementation starting from the AY 2024-25.


Postgraduate Students

  1. All PG residents will be assigned to a designated hostel as far as practicable.  The hostel’s capacity for housing PG students will be reviewed regularly based on the development of postgraduate intake*.
  2. PhD students are accorded the highest priority for PG category accommodation and will be granted residency throughout their standard period of study. 
  3. Students studying in Doctor of Policy Studies (DPS) are eligible for at least one year of residence during their normal course of study.
  4. MPhil and TPg students are not eligible to apply for hostel accommodation.
  5. Residency applications beyond the granted offering period will be evaluated by a system for returning PG students.


*Any unused capacity under this category will be allocated to UG students.


Hostel Application Procedures and Room Assignment

UGC funded new local students after accepting the offer in the Online Reporting System, should complete question 8 (Student Hostel Application) to indicate if you wish to apply for residing in student hostel in the AY 2024-25 academic year.

  1. OSA Hostel Team will email you to confirm if the application is received and enclose the hostel fee payment note to students via email. Please make sure that you have registered for 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) Service and with access to myLingnan Portal and Lingnan email account. Student can also submit hostel block preferences via the online link in the email.
  2. New students should settle the hostel fee by 21 Aug 2024. Applicants admitted from 19 Aug 2024 and thereafter will have to settle the hostel fee within one week after the hostel offer is confirmed.


Announcement of Hostel Room Assignment Result

For JUPAS and Direct Main Round application, the hostel allocation result will be announced by 23 Aug 2024 (Fri) via your LU Mobile App account. For application received from 14 Aug 2024, the hostel allocation result will be announced when student receives the hostel fee payment note notification email.


Hostel Check-in Procedures

The check-in date for New students who will join the New student Orientation (NSO) will be on 26 Aug 2024 (Mon). The assigned check-in schedule for 26 Aug 2024 will be announced later on.

New students who will not join the New student Orientation (NSO) due to exceptional reasons or preferred to check-in later on could check in student from 27 Aug 2024 (Tue) onwards.

Please be reminded 26 Aug 2024 (Mon) is the first check-in date for residential year 2024-25 only. You do not necessarily have to check-in on the first date.

Hostel check-in must be completed in person. It is advised that students should collect their Student I.D. card at the Registry during office hours before the hostel check-in (except for 26 Aug 2024, a special counter for distribution of SID cards will be set. Details will be announced later on). For details, please refer to:



Office of Student Affairs (for hostel application and allocation. Tel: 2616-7368 / email: [email protected]

Campus Support Office (for check-in procedures. Tel: 2616-7134)


Contact Us

Tel: +852 2616-7309
Email: [email protected]
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