Subsite Background

Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)


If you are full-time local students of University Grants Committee-funded programmes and have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have had your home in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years prior to the commencement of your Programme, you are eligible to apply for this Scheme. This does not cover students staying in Hong Kong holding student visas.

Financial assistance is provided in a combination of a grant and/or loan.  The grant is to cover tuition fees, academic expenses and compulsory students’ union fees.  The loan is for living expenses and is interest-bearing at 1% per annum chargeable from the commencement of the repayment period.  Applications are means-tested and different amounts are awarded according to students’ financial circumstances.


Enquiries about the scheme should be directed to the Government's Student Finance Office (SFO) - Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) by the following means:


Announcement from SFO


Submission of Declaration (Paper Signing Selected) and Supporting Documents

Students should submit the signed declaration and supporting documents to the SFO within 7 days from the submission date of online application form through the following means:

(a)      Online Upload:

  • Through SFO E-link - My Applications
  • File formats - PDF and JPEG
  • File capacity - 40MB (about 100 pages)


(b)      By Mail / By Hand (i.e. through SFO’s drop-in boxes)

Student should submit the documents together with the Reply Slip to the following address:

Student Finance Office
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
12/F, One Mong Kok Road Commercial Centre
1 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon
(Attn: Applications Team (TSFS))


 (c)     Through institution (together with the Reply Slip)

          A drop-in box will be located at the Office of Student Affairs during the following period:

         10 - 24 May 2024


Application Period for 2024/25

Online application deadline for current students: 18 April to May 2024

Any applications submitted after the deadline will be treated as late applications.  In any case, applications should reach the SFO no later than 31 December 2024.


Note:  Full-time UGC-funded students who wish to apply for both TSFS & NLSFT have to submit the TSFS and NLSFT application forms separately.

Maximum Grant and Loan Offered to Lingnan Students for 2024/25

For Lingnan students, the level of grant and loan is calculated having regard to the financial circumstances of the student’s family, tuition fees payable and the discipline that the student is studying. 

(a)  Maximum grant:  Tuition fees + academic expenses

(i)     Tuition fees payable HK$42,100

(ii)    Academic Expenses: Arts HK$12,970 / Business HK$10,560 / Social Science HK$10,710

(b) Maximum loan: HK$58,890

(c) Maximum deductible medical expenses

A maximum of HK$23,310 per family member with chronic illness or permanent incapacity.

Hostel Subsidy

In the 2024/25 academic year, the maximum rate of hostel subsidy for eligible undergraduate students is HK$10,420 a year.   Eligible students need not file separate applications for the hostel subsidy.

The subsidy is to be disbursed on a semester basis. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student’s level of assistance assessed under the TSFS. The basis for determining the subsidy payable will be the actual hostel fee payable (after deducting any other hostel subsidies or waivers) or $10,420 per year / $5,210 per semester, whichever is lower.

For details:


General Enquiries

Office of Student Affairs

Telephone : 2616 7314

E-mail Address: [email protected]