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Wellness Journey - Mindful sitting

Mindful sitting

Instruction 說明
  1. Take a seat with feet on the floor and take a few deep breaths.
  2. Close your eyes and relax your mind.
  3. Begin by bringing your attention to your body.
  4. You can notice your body seated wherever you’re seated, feeling the weight of your body over the pavilion seat.
  5. You can notice your feet on the floor, notice the sensations of your feet touching the floor.
  6. Be aware of your whole body as best you can. Take a breath.
  7. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes.


Mindfulness is a natural quality that we all have. It’s available to us at every moment if we take the time to appreciate it. When we practice mindfulness, we’re practicing the art of creating space for ourselves—space to think, space to breathe, space between ourselves and our reactions.

  1. 在亭內坐下,雙腳著地,深呼吸數下。
  2. 合上雙眼並放鬆心情。
  3. 把注意力集中在你的身體上。
  4. 留意你正坐著的地方,感受身體坐在座位上的重量。
  5. 把注意力帶到腳部,感受一下雙腳著地的感覺。
  6. 嘗試把注意力集中在全身,然後深呼吸。
  7. 當你準備好時,可以打開雙眼。



Audio Instruction 語音說明

Cantonese 粵語

English 英語

Putonghua 普通話

Activity 活動