Counselling and Support

Campus life at LIFE is diverse and colorful, but sometimes there may be discrepancies between reality and expectations, or situations where students do not know how to cope. Negative psychological reactions may follow, such as sadness, confusion, despair, anxiety, frustration, and self-doubt, which hinder students from enjoying campus life and achieving their goals.


Counselling services aim to assist students in facing these psychological reactions. Counselling not only has a therapeutic effect but also helps individuals grow, understand themselves, discover their ability to cope with adversity, and make positive and effective changes. Seeking counselling does not mean weakness or having mental problems. Instead, it is a pursuit of growth and the courage to face one's self.


In addition to the services mentioned above, student counsellor will work closely with SEN students to develop personalised learning plans that accommodate their specific needs. Student counsellor will serve as a main point of contact for SEN students throughout their academic experience by offering comprehensive and holistic assistance.


If you are facing the following situations or want to explore more, please make an appointment with a counsellor.


Click here for online appointment 


Lingnan University 24-hour Counselling Hotline
It is a specific hotline for Lingnan students supported by the Christian Family Service Centre. You can get immediate counselling support round the clock by calling this hotline. Students with further counselling support would be referred to our student counsellor for follow-up action.



Other Community Resources

Support Services for Students

Support Services for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)


Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) should register with the Student Development Office at the beginning of the academic year and as early as possible if students require support and services. Such requests should be supported by documentary evidence (assessment report and result of HKEAA special examination arrangement).


To allow sufficient processing time for making special examination arrangements, students should submit their applications at least six weeks prior to the start of the examination period, and late applications may not be entertained. Student counsellor will discuss with students before deciding on whether and what academic adjustments and special examination arrangements should be made, taking into consideration the students’ circumstances and the specific nature of the assessment tasks of their courses.


Types of SEN: 

  1. Intellectual Disability 
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder 
  3. Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder 
  4. Mental Illness 
  5. Specific Learning Difficulties 
  6. Physical Disability 
  7. Visual Impairment 
  8. Hearing Impairment 
  9. Speech and Language Impairment


Learning Aids and Equipment

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