Associate of Arts (History)

  • Integrated learning across various important areas, ranging from Chinese history, European history to Hong Kong history
  • Strengthening students' skills in handling primary sources of historical research
  • Offering a distinguished Hong Kong-oriented historical study
  • Sharpens students’ insights via history
  • Hones students’ logic and critical thinking skills through archival studies
  • Raises students’ comprehension and communication competency via massive readings

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of essential concepts and research trends in the fields of world history, Chinese history and Hong Kong history;
  • analyze and synthesize an eclectic range of primary and secondary sources;
  • articulate sound historical arguments based on historical evidence;
  • demonstrate proficiency in the use of English and Chinese languages and communicate effectively for further studies or work;
  • apply creative problem-solving, IT applications, and critical thinking skills for handling further studies or career pursuits; and
  • demonstrate an understanding of cross-disciplinary knowledge and possible cross-disciplinary application.

General Education (36 Credits)

  • General English
  • English for Academic Purposes I
  • English for Academic Purposes II
  • Business Communication
  • Chinese Language for Communication I
  • Chinese Language for Communication II
  • Chinese Language for Communication III
  • Logic and Critical Thinking
  • Understanding Morality
  • Introduction to Information Literacy
  • Free Elective (Details​)
  • Free Elective (Details​)


Programme Specific Courses (24 Credits)

  • Chinese History Essentials
  • Hong Kong Heritage Studies
  • The Forming of the Modern World
  • Hong Kong Since 1941
  • Fundamentals of Public History
  • Early Modern World History
  • Introduction of Bibliography And Research Methods For History
  • Classical Chinese Thought


Apart from Chinese courses and courses which require students to have working knowledge of Chinese, all courses are normally taught in English.


Students must be proficient in both spoken and written Chinese. A Chinese proficiency test may be required for shortlisted applicants.

Classes for this programme will take place at two locations: the Union Park Learning Centre (UPC) and Lingnan University main campus.

Some recent graduates of this programme were admitted to the following Bachelors's Degree Programmes:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History, Lingnan University
  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts in History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese History and Culture, The Hong Polytechnic University
  • Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in China Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Bachelor of Education (Hons) (Chinese History), The Education University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History, University of Birmingham, UK


The Institute has established an articulation agreement with Hong Kong Shue Yan University for our graduates to articulate to the following degree programme:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History (Year 2)
  • Public Policies on Cultural Heritage
  • Editing and Publishing
  • Education
  • Journalism
  • Government Organisations

St. Stephen's College Heritage Trail field trip









The following scholarships were available for students with outstanding performance in academic studies, great achievement in extra-curricular activities and/or valuable contribution to the LIFE/University/Community:

  • Lingnan University Faculty of Arts Scholarship
  • Lingnan Club Scholarship
  • Lingnan Education Organization Scholarship
  • Lingnan University Alumni Association (Hong Kong) Scholarship
  • Entrance Scholarship
  • Articulation Scholarship
  • Progression Scholarship
  • Director's Scholarship
  • Community Service Scholarship

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

This course/ The mother course (Title of Qualification) of this module is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level [4]).

QR Registration No.: 17/000602/L4

QR Registration QR Registration Validity Period: 01/07/2017 To On-going


WANG Chuan Ming

WANG Chuan Ming

Graduate of Associate of Arts (History) 2024
• Articulated to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies, Lingnan University


NG Chi Him Moriz

NG Chi Him Moriz

Graduate of Associate of Arts (History) 2024
• Articulated to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History, Hong Kong Baptist University




• 2023年人文學科(歷史)副學士課程畢業生
• 升讀香港理工大學中國歷史及文化(榮譽)文學士三年級






• 2023年人文學科(歷史)副學士課程畢業生
• 升讀英國伯明翰大學歷史(榮譽)文學士二年級




• 2023年人文學科(歷史)副學士課程畢業生
• 升讀城市大學文學士(中文及歷史)三年級




• 2021年人文學科(歷史)副學士課程畢業生
• 升讀香港中文大學歷史系三年級

「猶想起兩年前中學畢業後, 得知LIFE有開辦歷史副學士課程時,便毅然地前去報讀。時光荏苒,歲月如梭。兩年來的大專生涯裡,可謂感觸甚深。當初抱著不安、茫然的心情踏入校門。到上完第一節課後,老師們悉心的教導使我不安的心情逐漸平復。當中尤以在歷史課堂中所學的知識更令我啟蒙甚深,獲益良多。老師在教學模式上也十分有趣,能夠引起同學對歷史的興趣,也引導我們發掘更多有關歷史的小趣味。另外,老師除了教授學術上的知識外, 亦為我們解開升學路上遇到的重重疑難,更不斷指導我們。回味兩年的大專生活,我確立了對歷史的興趣,過程感到無比充實。畢業後更時常憶起老師在課堂上的教導,留下了滿滿美好的回憶。」



• 2020年人文學科(歷史)副學士課程畢業生
• 升讀嶺南大學歷史系二年級




• 2019年人文學科(歷史)副學士課程畢業生
• 升讀香港中文大學歷史系三年級

「在嶺南持續進修學院修讀兩年的歷史課程之中, 我發掘並確立了自己對歷史的興趣, 發現原來在中學修讀的歷史與後來所讀的大有不同。老師非常熱心指導我們, 不但給予學術上的知識,而且也為我們在升學路途上解開疑難。在這種亦師亦友的關係中,讀書可謂是事半功倍,同時也留下了很多美好的回憶。」