Diploma in College Foundation Studies

  • Providing a well-rounded foundation education to prepare students to articulate to Associate Degree and Higher Diploma programmes
  • Developing students' communicative proficiency in English and Chinese for academic and general purpose
  • Imparting fundamental concepts in various disciplines including social sciences, business studies and humanities for further studies
  • Develops students’ communicative proficiency in English and Chinese for academic and general purposes
  • Analyses their own strengths and weaknesses and applies the acquired knowledge and techniques to career and life planning
  • Demonstrates fundamental quantitative skills to solve daily problems
  • Provides fundamental concepts in various disciplines including social sciences, business studies, and humanities to be ready for further studies
  • Equips students with essential skills required for taking up entry positions at work

Upon completion, students will be able to:​

  • effectively communicate in English and Chinese for academic and general purposes;
  • analyze their own strengths and weaknesses and apply the acquired knowledge and techniques for career and life planning;
  • demonstrate fundamental quantitative skills to solve daily problems;
  • explain foundation concepts in various disciplines including social sciences, business studies, and humanities to be ready for further studies; and
  • demonstrate essential skills that are required for taking up entry positions at work.

General Education (12 Credits)

  • Practical Chinese
  • Practical Putonghua
  • Essential English for Everyday Life
  • Introduction to Business English


Specialisation Courses  (18 Credits)

  • Quantitative Skills
  • Development of Modern Society
  • Career and Life Planning
  • Introduction to Public Speaking
  • Fundamentals of Business Studies
  • Introduction to Psychology


Apart from Chinese courses and courses which require students to have working knowledge of Chinese, all courses are normally taught in English.

Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to Associate Degree programmes or Higher Diploma programmes offered by LIFE.

Articulation Talk


Holland Codes career tests

Through activities and psychological tests, students can understand their personalities and interests, find suitable types of work, and re-establish their goals.


Art therapy workshop


Harmony Pastel Workshop

The workshop was led by graduates, acting as role model, showing to students that "all roads lead to Rome".

In the process of making the works, students concentrated their minds and projected their inner feelings into their works, so that their emotions could be expressed.  When sharing works, students can better understand and accept themselves.


The following scholarships were available for students with outstanding performance in academic studies, great achievement in extra-curricular activities and/or valuable contribution to the LIFE/University/Community:

  • Lingnan Club Scholarship
  • Lingnan Education Organization Scholarship
  • Lingnan University Alumni Association (Hong Kong) Scholarship
  • Entrance Scholarship
  • Articulation Scholarship
  • Community Service Scholarship

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

This course/ The mother course (Title of Qualification) of this module is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level [3]).

QR Registration No.: 15/000074/L3

QR Registration Validity Period: 03/02/2015 To On-going




• 2021年大專基礎教育文憑課程畢業生
• 2023年浸會大學持續教育學院營養與食物管理副學士畢業生
• 升讀嶺南大學社會科學(榮譽)學士 - 健康及社會服務管理

在 LIFE 的一年裡,我學到了寶貴的學習技巧和時間管理技能。通過建立特定時間起床和設定目標等習慣,我培養了自律能力。這些方法不但提高了我的學習效率,為我灌輸了一種積極主動的生活態度,並使我在大學學習中取得了優異成績。

回想起來,在 LIFE 的一年讓我走上了正確的人生道路,也為我今後的學習奠定了基礎。我衷心感謝 LIFE 的所有老師,感謝他們堅定不移的指導和啟迪。朋友們,請永遠記住,挫折並不是你人生旅程的終點。把挫折當作燃料,讓自己變得更好。只要堅持不懈,努力奮鬥,你終會發現隧道盡頭的曙光!」



• 2020年大專基礎教育文憑課程畢業生
• 2022年工商管理及創業高級文憑課程畢業生
• 升讀香港理工大學管理學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位三年級




• 2020年大專基礎教育文憑課程畢業生
• 升讀嶺南大學持續進修學院心理學(諮商與輔導)高級文憑課程一年級




• 2019年大專基礎教育文憑課程畢業生
• 升讀嶺南大學持續進修學院心理學(諮商與輔導)高級文憑課程一年級




• 2019年大專基礎教育文憑課程畢業生
• 升讀嶺南大學持續進修學院日語及傳意高級文憑課程一年級




• 2019年大專基礎教育文憑課程畢業生
• 升讀香港教育大學幼兒教育高級文憑課程一年級
