Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly - The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology

Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly - The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology


LingnanU Elder Academy launches a two-year programme, “The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology” which is funded by the "Elderly Advanced Digital Training Program 2024-2026" of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.  The programme is designed to provide different types of information and communication technology (ICT)courses to elders aged 60 or above who have basic ICT knowledge.  The courses cover government mobile applications, smart healthcare, online shopping, mobile payments, e-wallets, and network security, etc.


Course schedule (the first phrase)

A1: 樂齡識 ― 瞬間看未來:「智慧城市」新發展 (已開班)
A2: 樂齡識 ― 智慧城市:老友記的可信數碼身份 (已開班)

B1: 樂齡識 ― 線上溝通零距離 (已開班)
B3: 樂齡識 ― 健康管理新態度 (已開班)
B5: 樂齡識 ― 銀髮市場新趨勢 (已開班)

B4: 樂齡技 ― KOL新潮流 (現正接受報名)

B8: 樂齡技 ― 樂齡社交媒體 (現正接受報名)


B2: 樂齡技 ― 達人逍遙遊 (將於2024年第四季開課)
B6: 樂齡技 ― 齊來學用移動支付 (將於2024年第四季開課)
B7: 樂齡識 ― 「遊戲化」訓練:線上遊戲新體驗 (將於2024年第四季開課)
B9: 樂齡識 ― 網絡遊安全 (將於2024年第四季開課)
C1: 樂齡技 ― AI新世代 (將於2025年開課)

The schedule for the second phase of the courses will be announced later.

Course Details
Please Click Here (Chinese only) for the details of the B4 course.
Please Click Here (Chinese only) for the details of the B8 course.



Application Details
Please read the Application Note (Chinese only) carefully before completing the application form.


Application Deadline

18 July 2024, 11:59 pm



News and Events






Lingnan Institute of Further Education
Room 301, 3/F, Lau Chung Him Building, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Tel:(852)2616 8068
Fax:(852)2460 2049
E-mail[email protected] 



就讀 A1: 樂齡技 ― 輕鬆易學二維碼 課程
老師教授了如何使用二維碼 (QR Code)、「安心出行」等應用程式。我依照老師的教導製作個人化及各具特色的QR Code,這是我最大的得著!課程增加了學習資訊科技的熱誠,以前覺得市面上提供QR Code給人掃瞄,總覺得很神奇,竟可供讀取眾多資料。我明白了原理,令我更想學習不同數碼科技知識,從而擴闊視野。



就讀 A2: 樂齡識 ― 瞬間看未來:「智慧城市」新發展 課程