Subsite Background

Structured Community Services Programmes


Enrol NowTo enrol, please click here

Application Deadline: 17 June 2024 (Mon)

Tel: 2616 7324 
Email: [email protected]

UNICEF HK EdVocate School Speaker Programme
UNICEF HKEdVocate 校園講者」計劃

Every year, UNICEF HK organises various educational and advocacy activities to protect and actualise children’s rights.  By organising talks in primary and secondary schools, students could learn about the lives of children worldwide and UNICEF’s work on child survival, protection, development and civil participation. This year, UNICEF HK sincerely invites you to take part in their education works and be a volunteer leader.  Join UNICEF HK and work for every child now. 

For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: UNICEF HK
Service Period: Nov 2024 - Sep 2025

Enrol NowTo enrol, please click here.

Application Deadline: 17 June 2024 (Mon)

Tel: 2616 7324
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)


Big Brothers and Sisters Volunteer Service Project (10th) 
「大手牽小手」離異家庭兒童  大哥哥大姐姐伴行計劃(第十期)



For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: HKFWS
Service Period: July 2024 - July 2025


LU Service Day 2021

To enrol, please click here.

Tel: 2616 7324
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 4 Units (CELD)

LU Service Day 2023-24

In support of Lingnan University’s motto “Education for Service”, volunteer-service related student societies and devoted students, including Lingnan C.Connects and Uni-Y, coordinate with OSA to organise service projects in LU Service Day. We are inviting students to make wonderful results in volunteering. We care for others, to make a positive impact for the betterment of humanity.

In this year, we are going to have 7 different service projects to be run under the LU Service Day. Let's join hands with your fellows to serve our community together!

For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: Office of Student Affairs 
Service Period: Apr 2024


Enrol Now

Application Deadline: 10 Nov 2023 (Fri)

Tel: 2616 7324 
Email: [email protected]

Orbis Hong Kong –  Future Vision Leader Programme

Orbis believes everyone deserves functioning eyesight regardless of their age, income or ethnic background. To increase awareness on eye health, Orbis is now recruiting eye brightening advocates, to help assimilate eyecare awareness at every level of local society.

For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: Orbis Hong Kong 
Service Period: Oct 2023 - Apr 2024


Programme Details

Enrol NowApplication Deadline: 28 Sept 2023 (Thu)

Tel: 2616 8474 
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)

Principal Chan Free Tutorial World - LU Volunteer Teachers Scheme 
陳校長免費補習天地 - 嶺大義師計劃

Are you interested in supporting the meaningful work of the Principal Chan Free Tutorial World (陳校長免費補習天地) and joining them as one of the Volunteer Teachers and support the under-privileged school kids on their studies? Here comes the chance!

For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: Principal Chan Free Tutorial World 
Service Period: Oct 2023 to Aug 2024


Application Deadline: Application Closed

Tel: 2616 7446 
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)

香港青年協會賽馬會建生青年空間 – 耆青傳耆II -  長青號


For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Kin Sang Youth S.P.O.T.



Application Deadline: 2 Oct 2023

Tel: 2616 8474 
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)

Hong Kong Air Cadet Officer Trainee Programme

The Programme welcomes students who are passionate on aviation activities. It aims to prepare students for possible future service in the local aviation industry. The training programme includes community services, aviation training, crowd control skills, hiking, camping and exchange programme, etc.

For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps 
Service Period: From Oct 2023 (around 1-1.5 year)

Application Deadline: Application Closed

Tel: 2616 7
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)

ICAC Ambassador Programme

Jointly organised by OSA and ICAC, this programme will provide a platform for you to take the initiative to organise on-campus and / or inter-institution activities for disseminating integrity-related messages to fellow students, and equip you with knowledge and skills to be an effective and ethical leader.

For more details, please click here.

《ICAC Today》第二集: 年輕人們 @ ICAC

Co-organiser: ICAC 
Service Period: Nov 2022 to Jun 2023


Application Deadline: Application Closed

Tel: 2616 7446
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)

Big Brothers and Sisters Volunteer Service Project 



Co-organiser: Hong Kong Family Welfare Society 
Service Period: Aug 2022 - Jul 2023


Application Deadline: Application Closed

Tel: 2616 7446
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 6 Units (CELD)

WebOrganic i-Plant Mentorship Program 
「有機上網」i.Plant 2.0 種籽師友計劃 - ICT x 生命教育

「有機上網」旨在協助有需要的學生進行網上學習,名字的意思是「有機 (電腦配套)便可以上網,上網便可以有機(機會)」。我們深信,資訊 科技的配套是建立良好學習基礎的其中重要元素。透過資訊科技的運用, 學生便可以提升學習興趣和發揮潛能。 我們希望透過這項計劃,讓受助 學生可以有更多希望。 

For more details, please click here.

Co-organiser: WebOrganic


Programme Details

Application Deadline: Application Closed

Tel: 2616 7446
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)

Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme 

The Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme (the Scheme) is co-organised by the Tourism Commission of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. Since its inception in 2001, the Scheme has attracted more than 4,700 young people to promote Hong Kong’s image for hospitality and showcase its diversity to visitors.  The Scheme has provided participants with comprehensive training, a variety of services and eye-opening learning experiences.  Through interactive workshops conducted by reputable organisations such as the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the Scheme also cultivates a culture of courtesy and service excellence among young people. 

These Young Ambassadors welcome visitors and assist them with travel information at tourist attractions such as West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong Wetland Park, Ngong Ping 360, etc.  They also provide support at mega tourism, cultural, sports and entertainment events, and help organise promotional activities to   draw locals and non-locals to rediscover Hong Kong from new perspectives.

For more details, please click here.

Co-organiser: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 
Service Period: Sept 2022 - Jul 2023



Application Deadline: Details will be available soon

Tel: 2616 7446
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 3 Units (CELD)

A Day at University for Primary School Students

Jointly organized by Tuen Mun District Youth Programme Committee, Tuen Mun District Office, Office of Student Affairs and Office Service-Learning, the captioned programme needs 25 Lingnan students to organize a campus visit for 150 primary school students in Tuen Mun. The visit aims at promoting Lingnan University and its liberal arts education among primary school students as well as providing an opportunity for primary school students to know more about university life.

Benefits of joining this programme

  • Gain practical experience on programme planning and implementation;
  • Learn the importance of team work and effective communication among team members;
  • Play a part in inspiring primary students to think “big”.

For more details, please click here.

Co-organiser: Tuen Mun District Youth Programme Committee, Tuen Mun District Office and Office Service-Learning




Programme Details

Enrol Now

Application Deadline: 20 October 2023 (Fri)

Tel: 2616 8474 
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 12 Units (CELD)

Project X

Selected Lingnan students will be trained to provide mentoring service in a friendly atmosphere to youth at risk who need guidance and support. Students will have the opportunities to join different kinds of activities with the youth and work with social workers and police in this project.

For more details, please click here.


Co-organiser: Tuen Mun Fight Crime Committee, Tuen Mun District Police Force and social service organisations​


Enrol NowApplication Deadline: 24 Nov 2022 (Thu)

Tel: 2616 7446 
Email: [email protected]

ILP : 6 Units (CELD) (application in progress)

聯院社會服務研習 -「義仁同恆」和富義行者計劃大專生義工招募


由和富領袖網絡主辦、公民教育委員會資助的「義仁同恆」和富義行者計劃 將於今年11月展開,是次計劃旨在為各大專學生提供平台,透過與社會不同階層的人接觸和合作,學習正面的價值觀。

透過(1)聯院領袖訓練日、(2)與社創工房交流、(3)社區考察和HOPE BOX動手造及(4)服務日連繫各大專院校大專生共同經歷及執行社會服務項目,為社區帶來正能量。活動詳情如下:


活動包括: 自我認識與溝通工作坊*、展覽參觀及團隊訓練

日期:20221126 (星期六)

集合地點:City Lab (香港九龍佐敦廟街239號八福匯三樓)



活動包括: 到訪社創工房,了解機構理念和工作




活動社區考察和HOPE BOX動手造

活動包括: 進行社區考察,並安排與居民進行對談及共同製作「禮物盒」 (Hope Box)









Co-organiser: Wofoo Leaders' Network 和富領袖網絡

For more details, please click here.