Subsite Background

Wellness Journey - Be grateful today

Be grateful today

Instruction 說明
  1. Please find a comfortable place to stand or sit.
  2. List out three grateful things which happened today.
  3. These things could be trivial and unremarkable.


There’s a lot of research that suggests happiness is really tied up with gratitude. If you don’t take things for granted, you know the key to gratitude. The more grateful you are the happier you tend to be while gaining more positive energy for yourself.

  1. 找一個感到舒適的位置站立或坐下。
  2. 然後列出三件今天值得感恩的事。
  3. 任何不是理所當然會發生,即使是微不足道、毫不起眼的事都值得感恩。



Audio Instruction 語音說明

Cantonese 粵語

English 英語

Putonghua 普通話

Activity 活動