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Wellness Journey - Sense the breeze

Sense the breeze

Instruction 說明
  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or stand, and then close your eyes and relax your mind.
  2. Notice how your breathing is and body feel.
  3. Now shift your awareness to the sensations you observe in your surroundings. Try to feel the breeze.
  4. Pay attention to the intensity, temperature and humidity of the breeze through your skin.
  5. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes.


The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain. —Lord Bryan

Being mindful of our senses is a great beginning to develop self-care practice.

  1. 找一個安靜及舒服的位置坐下或站立,然後合上雙眼及放鬆心情。
  2. 留意自己的呼吸模式及身體感覺。
  3. 把注意力集中在觸覺,感受一下四周環境。嘗試感受微風輕吹的感覺。
  4. 透過皮膚去感受微風的強弱、溫度和濕度。
  5. 當你準備好時,可以打開雙眼。




Audio Instruction 語音說明

Cantonese 粵語

English 英語

Putonghua 普通話

Activity 活動