01 Dec 2023

Graduation and Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony for Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly - The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology

The Lingnan University Elder Academy organized "Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly - The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology" project (2021-2023) sponsored by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), which is coming to a close. The Graduation and Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on December 1, 2023, at MBG22, Patrick Lee Wan Keung Academic Building, Lingnan University.

Mr. Lam Chak Hung, the Director of Student Affairs, delivered a welcome speech, expressing gratitude to the elderly participants for their active engagement in this project. He congratulated them on completing the courses and encouraged them to continue enriching their lives, leading a vibrant and fulfilling older age.

Mr. Leung Chun Ho, one of the instructors, also delivered a speech on the topic of "Safe Digital Technology and Healthy Living," providing an opportunity for the senior graduates to continue their learning at the ceremony.

Ms. Chan Mei Ying, Ms. Tong Kit Wan Christina, and Mr. Li Ping Tong shared their experiences on behalf of the participants. They expressed gratitude to the OGCIO for generously funding the Elder Academy, which provided them with the opportunity to learn and acquire the latest information technology skills, helping them stay connected with the digital society. The students also appreciated the effort the Elder Academy has made to arrange youth volunteers to serve as instructors and teaching assistants, promoting intergenerational harmony. Under the patient guidance of the instructors and assistants, the students were able to grasp concrete operational skills and develop a sense of competence. They expressed the hope that the relevant project would continue in the future.

At the end of the ceremony, the graduates individually received their certificates and took group photos with the instructors and guests.

The "Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly - The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology" is designed for seniors aged 60 or above who possess basic information and communication technology knowledge. It offers a variety of courses covering topics such as government mobile applications, smart healthcare, online shopping, mobile payment, e-wallets, and cybersecurity. The project has spanned two years with 12 different topics, providing a total of 25 courses of information and communication technology knowledge and skills training to over 500 elderly participants. For more information about the project.

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Graduation and Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony for Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly - The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology