10 July 2024

LIFE Students awarded Vocational Education Scholarship 2023/24

Two LIFE students had been awarded HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship 2023/24 for their outstanding academic achievement, involvement in community service and extra-curricular activities. The award was presented at the “HSBC Scholars Day” on 10 July 2024. Congratulations!

HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship
LAW Chung Yin Year 2 student, Associate of Social Sciences (Psychology)
SYED Areeba Year 1 student, Associate of Business Studies (Business Management)

To bring the benefits of its scholarship programmes to more Hong Kong students, HSBC launched the HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship Scheme for students studying full-time higher diploma and associate degree programmes. The Scheme aims to offer support to students in vocational education to realise their goals and ambitions.

LIFE Students awarded Vocational Education Scholarship 2023/24