CEF Enhancements

The following new enhancement measures of the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) have been implemented on 1 August 2022


  • increase of the CEF subsidy ceiling from $20,000 to $25,000 per person;
  • the co-payment ratio by learners (i.e. the percentage of course fee to be borne by learners) for the first $10,000 subsidy remains to be 20% of the course fee, and that for the remaining $15,000 subsidy is 40% of the course fee; and
  • removal of the upper age limit for CEF applicants.

Points to note:

The new enhancement measures are applicable only for courses commencing on or after 1 August 2022.
A “Subsidy Calculator” is available on the CEF website to facilitate applicants’ estimation of the amount of subsidy they are eligible for and the course fee to be borne by them.
For details about the CEF Enhancement Measures and calculation of subsidy, please visit:


CEF Webpage