Graduate Sharing

Tang Yangzhou

• Graduate of Associate of Business Studies (Business Management), Lingnan University 2019
• Awardee of Department of Management Scholarship 2019
• Awardee of Department of Marketing and International Business Scholarship 2019
• Graduate of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons), Lingnan University 2021
• Graduate of Master of Science in Data Analytics and Business Economics, Hong Kong Baptist University 2022

“No pain no gain”. During the two years of my studies at LIFE, I have met a lot of teachers and friends. I am very fortunate to have such a good learning environment, which allows me to improve myself steadily. The Associate Degree programme is different from those in secondary school with a teacher to guide you all the time. Since we will encounter
difficulties and problems, we should not be shy to ask for advice from teachers and classmates. We can learn from anyone. We can learn from the people around us to improve ourselves. We have to keep learning and achieve excellent results. Thank you to every teacher and classmate I have met in LIFE in the past two years. All of you made me grow up and made me who I am today.

Tang Yangzhou