Lingnan University Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) has been honoured with the Three-Star certificate for the “Care for the Elderly. We all Care” – Caring Institution Award Scheme by the Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing District Coordinating Committee on Elderly Services, Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR Government. This manifests the Institute's longstanding contributions to elderly services, eldercare, and social collaboration on education, with an annual provision of services exceeding 11 times.


In the face of an ageing population and the growing number of elderly people who are in need of care, the community has to strengthen its support network. In response to the challenges posed by an ageing society, IPS has actively undertaken various projects related to the elderly in recent years. For instance, the Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing in Place Project team has collaborated with elderly service units in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing districts. They conducted lectures to educate older adults and caregivers about gerontechnology, and visited the Gerontech-X Lab on Lingnan campus with guided tours on gerontech applications that can make ageing in place possible.


This recognition is a testament to the dedication and commitment of IPS to make a positive impact in Hong Kong's ageing community through collaborative efforts. The Institute will continue to deepen its research on ageing and the community, and actively promote collaboration with different sectors to foster a more caring and age-friendly city.