The first-ever Lingnan-Yuanpei STEM Summer Academy, organised jointly by Lingnan University and Yuan Pei College of Peking University, held a seven-day Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Camp-cum-STEM Competition from 22 to 28 June.


Thirty of the best students from both universities formed five teams to compete on various innovative and entrepreneurial smart green technological projects. After a tight race, the project “Sustainable Green Building” team won the championship prize, and the chance to be nominated for the Lingnan University Entrepreneurship Fund, and will be put up for an application for seed or incubation funds. The project will use Lingnan University's new campus building as a benchmark for designing a green building, aligning with Hong Kong's carbon neutrality goal and sustainable development vision.


The teams “The Holographic Projection Platform where reality and virtual reality coexist” and “Smart Residential College System” won 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up, respectively, while “Smart automatic control system improves quality of life” and “Drone (FPV) competition projects and on-site platforms” received a Merit Award.

Fifteen outstanding students from each university, majoring in artificial intelligence, data science, business, finance, and philosophy, joined the Lingnan-Yuanpei STEM Summer Academy having attended online and offline seminars, lectures, and immersive workshops over the past two months held by experienced business people and top scientists. The students learned about STEM, green technology, and high-tech industry development, and also innovative commercial processes. An entrepreneurial spirit was encouraged in the context of regional and global institutional transformation, and the students formed five teams from both universities in order to design imaginative and enterprising projects for the STEM competition.

Prof Li Donghui, Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) of Lingnan University (left), and Mr Li Boqiao, Vice Dean of Yuanpei of PKU (right)