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Adjustment Tips from Senior Non-local Students

I thoroughly enjoyed my freshmen year at Lingnan University, where I had the opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, including Hong Kong, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Russia.  We formed strong bonds, and I am sure we will keep in touch even during the summer.  

Together, we enjoyed exploring Hong Kong's top attractions such as Victoria Harbour and going on hiking trips.  One of my favourite experiences was hiking Lion Rock, where I captured many memorable photos.  The university's host family scheme made me feel more welcome and allowed me to immerse myself in Hong Kong's traditions and culture.  Additionally, I was honoured to be a cultural ambassador at Lingnan, where I organised a fun-filled cultural activity with a talented team of individuals from different cultural backgrounds.  

I'm grateful for my university experience and the opportunities it has provided, which have made me feel at home and allowed me to grow as a person.  Looking ahead, I'm excited for the next three years of my undergraduate journey at Lingnan.  I'm determined to make the most of it, seizing every opportunity to learn, grow, and create unforgettable memories.  


Miss ASSANKHAN Ayaulym

BBA Year 2 Student from Kazakhstan 

Welcome to Lingnan University!

Adjusting to life in a new place can be challenging at first, but I encourage you to embrace all the opportunities the city and the university offer, as there are plenty.  

Here are my adjustment tips for you:

1.  Remember to carry a jacket to class and the library as the air conditioning can be quite chilly.  
2.  Do not hesitate to get involved in programmes and events to meet new friends.  The locals are friendly and open to making connections.  Plus, you'll have the chance to make international friends too.  
3.  When in the hostel, label your food in the refrigerator to avoid mix-ups, and discard any food that's spoiling to keep things neat.  

With time, you'll find yourself settling into life in Hong Kong smoothly.  Enjoy your journey!


Miss SUI Christina

BLA Year 2 student from Myanmar

Welcome to the family, new Lingnanians!

I can assure you that this journey of your life will be exciting and fulfilling.  You are going to immerse yourselves in a new culture, learn how to be responsible and self-sufficient, and make new friends from different backgrounds.  

Here are some must-have tips for you:

As students at Lingnan University, you'll have the amazing opportunity to explore the vibrant city of Hong Kong.  Some must-visit destinations include the iconic Victoria Peak, which offers breathtaking views of the city, and the serene Lantau Island, home to the Giant Buddha statue and the picturesque Tai O fishing village.  Additionally, I highly recommend taking a ferry to the nearby islands, such as Lamma Island and Cheung Chau, to experience the beautiful natural landscapes and the local way of life.  

Hong Kong is a truly unique and fascinating place, with a rich cultural heritage that blends Chinese and British influences.  As students at Lingnan University, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourselves in this vibrant culture.  While Cantonese is the primary language spoken in Hong Kong, English is also widely used, especially in academic and business settings.  I would suggest trying to learn some basic Cantonese phrases to enhance your experience and interact with the locals.  Exploring the city's diverse neighbourhoods, trying local cuisine, and attending cultural events can all help you gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Hong Kong way of life.  



BBA Year 2 student from Kazakhstan

As a freshman a year ago, I still remember my excitement and nervousness before coming to Hong Kong.  Here I have something to share with you.  The most important is to participate in the rich and colourful activities offered by our university.  Don’t hesitate to show your talents or take on new challenges.  By doing so, you will not only make new friends but also be able to learn more and take advantage from these opportunities to enrich your university life.  Our university provides many kinds of activities and all we need to do is seize the opportunities that interest you.  Secondly, make good use of the library.  The quiet atmosphere can really improve your concentration and efficiency when studying.  Lastly, please relax and hope all of you enjoy the coming journey!  See you on campus!



Miss JIAO Yanjie

BBA Year 2 Student from Mainland China


Welcome to Lingnan University! 

As a non-local student, you may face some unique challenges, but please believe that these experiences are part of the growth process.  It is important to stay positive.  

Here are some helpful tips to help you settle in:

Tip 1: Bring a light jacket to the classroom or library because the air conditioning in Hong Kong can be very cold.  

Tip 2: Join clubs or competitions that interest you.  Don't be afraid.  The professors and classmates are friendly.  This is also an opportunity to meet friends from different countries.  

Tip 3: Please pay close attention to the emails sent by the University.  Important information about your studies and life on campus will be communicated through emails.  

Tip 4: Learning some basic Cantonese expressions can enhance your experience here.  Don't be afraid to ask someone for help if you encounter any difficulties.  

Finally, I wish you all a fulfilling and meaningful university life at Lingnan University!


Miss YANG Wenyi

BSocSc Year 4 Student from Mainland China


Hello there, new Lingnanians! 

Welcome to the Lingnan family!  Embarking on this new journey might stir a mix of excitement and nerves, but rest assured, you will find your way.  As a non-local student myself, I understand the feelings you might be experiencing, and I'm here to share some lessons I learned during my first year at Lingnan University.  

1.  Have an Open Mindset Towards Different Cultures: You might not always find students from your home country, and even if you do, don't limit yourself.  Embrace the diversity around you.  Participate in activities like ILP events, which are great opportunities to make new friends and familiarise yourself with the university.  

2.  Expect Different Living and Food Cultures: Adjusting to hostel life can be challenging, especially if your roommate has different living habits.  Communication is key to a harmonious living experience.  Discuss any issues openly.  When it comes to food, you might face challenges, especially for those with specific dietary requirements like myself.  It might take some time, but options like online ordering or basic cooking in the hostel pantry can help.  If you enjoy Chinese cuisine, the canteen on campus would be the most convenient choice for you.  

3.  Balance Your Studies and Social Life: While having fun and making friends is crucial, don't neglect your studies.  You have to learn to prioritise your tasks and allocate time effectively.  If you feel overwhelmed, don't hesitate to talk to your friends or professors.  Trust me, it will help you a lot.  Everyone faces similar challenges, so don’t be afraid to seek help.  Seeking help is a crucial aspect of the learning process.  

Your time at Lingnan University will be a holistic experience filled with both fun and challenges.  These challenges are opportunities to learn and grow.   
I hope to see you on campus soon.  Good luck!


Miss NISAR Seemi

BSocSc Year 3 from Pakistan

Hello, everyone! 
My name is Du Yike, I am from Wuhu, majoring in marketing.  I am currently serving as the Chairman of the Lingnan University Mainland Students and Scholars Association.   
Lingnan offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities and workshops that cater to students' interests, hobbies, and majors.  The university encourages students to plan and organise activities on their own, which provides them with the opportunities to develop their leadership skills and build their networks.  I suggest you manage your time wisely and participate in extracurricular activities organised by the university as often as possible.   

If you want to build up your abilities, you can also start and manage your clubs, which can further enrich your university life, challenge yourself, and help you constantly improve, just as our university motto says, “education for service”.  So, seize the opportunities, and make the most of your university life at Lingnan!

Mr DU Yike

BBA Year 3 student from Mainland China